www.gusucode.com > 优米通用CSS样式库(umi.css) v1.5.1源码程序 > 优米通用CSS样式库(umi.css) v1.5.1/umi.v1.5.1.css/

    优米CSS点缀样式库 umi.css
    Copyright (c) 2018 苏州华米软件 (http://hua-mi.cn)
    Licensed under the MIT License (LICENSE.txt).
/*umi.css v1.5.1:

/*.cc_radio, .cc_check {
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@keyframes hover-color {
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.cc_radio input:checked + span:before,
.cc_check input:checked + span:before {
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.cc_radio input:checked[disabled] + span:after {
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.cc_check input + span:after {
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.cc_check input:checked + span:before {
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.cc_radio_style2 input:checked + span:after {
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.cc_check_style2 input:checked + span:after {
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.cc_radio_style2 input:checked + span:after, .cc_check_style2 input:checked + span:after {
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.cc_radio_style2 input:checked + span:after {
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.cc_check_style2 input:checked + span:after {
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/*umi.css v1.5.0:

/*umi.css v1.4.2

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/*umi.css v1.4.1*/
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